One of my favorite things about publishing Macaroni Kid is the chance to connect with other moms in our community. Often times these connections inspire me and remind me of the ability of one person to make a difference. It is with this in mind that Macaroni Kid Springfield launched an article spotlighting these special women. My hope is to introduce you to some amazing moms living right in our communities who not only are doing unique and wonderful things but also deserve to have some attention brought to their mission.
Ana Ferris has been a Zumba instructor in the greater Springfield area for about five years now. I have admired her hard work and dedication not only as a local business owner but also as someone who is always doing something for our communities. She hosts monthly Zumbathons at her studio in Wilbraham raising funds for local charities and organizations. She also gets clients involved in collecting books for kids at Shriner's and each Winter there is a Mitten Tree at check-in. Other drives have benefited Toys for Tots and Baystate's Child Life Program. Please get to know this local mom a little better by reading her answers to our questions.
What is your MISSION? What do you want to accomplish?
I want to help people feel confident and empowered.
What inspired/encouraged you to start Baila Comigo? Is there one specific moment when you knew this was what you wanted to do?
I was teaching Zumba® fitness classes at 5 different locations. I had lots of ideas of things I wanted to do with my clients but was limited without being in full control. Opening my own studio was never a consideration until one day I got frustrated with a scheduling conflict and within 48 hours I was signing a lease. They say you shouldn't make hasty decisions when you're upset, but I strongly believe that everything happens for a reason so decided to turn a negative into a positive and roll with it. As they say #YOLO! If I had waited and thought it through I would have chickened out.
How did your life before children influence the mom you are today? (Work, experiences) What part do your children play in your current mission?
l grew up in a close knit Portuguese family in a house filled with laughter and parents that played with their kids. My husband and our two teenage daughters now live the same way. We love to laugh and plan fun adventures together. The family that plays together stays together.
What lessons/values are you learning through this process? What lessons/values do you hope your kids are learning?
I work full time in financial services and then teach at Baila Comigo 7 days a week. My husband works full time and is an avid golfer and CrossFitter. Our two daughters attend a private school and dance competitively 21 hours a week. Because of our busy schedules I make sure that we enjoy quality time together. We love to have date nights SNO (Sister Night Out) nights, and family fun adventures. I hope our daughters continue to put in their best effort and want to become meaningful members to society. Work hard first and then play hard as a reward.
What do you do to take care of yourself and how do you make time to do it?
Teaching as much as I do takes a toll on my body both physically and mentally so I have found that regular massages and cupping sessions keep my body and mind relaxed and able.
What can we do to support you in the community?
I believe that exercise is so important for a healthy mind and heart. Find an exercise that ignites you. If Zumba® fitness lights your fire then come join us at Baila Comigo Dance Fitness Studio.
- HEATHER MONSON is on a mission to make sure children and families are mindful of others and compassionate to one another.
- MICHELLE CREAN is on a mission to empower women to achieve their fitness goals and to live a healthier lifestyle by providing in-home personal training and fitness nutrition guidance.
- SARAH REILLY is on a mission to bring more awareness and acceptance to the local Autism community.
- AMY CUTLER is on a mission to raise awareness of Type 1 diabetes and to raise funds for research so that there may one day be a cure.