The Sensory SpOT is registering for fall wellness groups! How can occupational therapy (OT) benefit your child?
- Does your child struggle with her motor skills?
- Maybe he has trouble making friends?
- Does she have difficulty with regulating her emotions or remaining in control of her body?
- Maybe he has difficulty with planning and organizing everyday tasks?
In order for a child to do his/her best and learn higher level complex skills, such as fine motor, self-regulation, social functioning and executive functioning skills, a child must have a strong foundation.
What are foundational skills?
- Sensory processing skills
- Fluid motor movement patterns
- Integrated primitive reflexes
- Strong emotional well-being
- Strong visual perceptual skill
- Good body schema
- Intact motor planning skills.
Who benefits from these services? EVERYONE!
The Sensory SpOT is small, privately owned practice that can meet your child's specific needs one-on-one. For more information, visit: