
My kids love Meraki Children’s Center!

Check out what they have to offer!

By Giselle Wisdom Davey February 20, 2023

My kids LOVE Meraki Children’s Center, now conveniently located in Wilbraham. First, let me tell you about the founder and owner, Sam

Sam has a Bachelors degree in Psychology and a Masters in Education with a concentration in Special Education, along with a specialization in Autism Spectrum Disorders. She is incredibly patient, thoughtful and cheerful as she works with the children and guides them through whatever activity they are working on. She meets them at their skill level and provides a warm and inviting environment to learn and explore.

Meraki offers a variety of programs for tots and kids that engage the children in play, exploration, fine motor skills development and more. 

Now, I know what you're thinking. "I could just go to Dollar Tree and get a bunch of art supplies and do it myself."

Let me paint a picture for you (pun intended): You buy art supplies at Dollar Tree and spend about $20-$25 dollars. You set up a space for the kids. Before you know it, one of them is eating glitter, another is painting their pant's leg. You don't mean to, but you yell. You accidently get glue into your freshly washed hair. You say, "Forget it! Put it all away! No more art time!" 

Now, at Meraki Children's Center, you could leave the kids in Sam's capable hands. Walk a few feet over to the enclosed (and quiet) waiting room. Scroll your phone, call your sister, reply to that email or simply close your eyes and take a cat nap. Breathe deeply with me and exhale: Ahhhhhhhhh. One hour later, your kids - excited to show you their artwork - are not totally covered in paint and glitter. They're happy! They're excited! They ask when they can come back to another class with Sam! And best of all: You can drive away without needing to clean up any scraps, paint marks or glitter.

Classes start at $25 with a discount for each additional sibling. Be sure to keep an eye on the schedule for upcoming classes. My kids love Meraki Children's Center - I know yours will, too!