One of my favorite things about publishing Macaroni Kid is the chance to connect with other moms in our community. Often times these connections inspire me and remind me of the ability of one person to make a difference. It is with this in mind that Macaroni Kid Springfield launched an article series spotlighting these special women. My hope is to introduce you to some amazing moms living right in our communities who not only are doing unique and wonderful things but also deserve to have some attention brought to their mission.
Nikki Caci is getting ready to celebrate her one year anniversary with LuLaRoe and one of the ways she is celebrating is by working with me on Macaroni Kid's Act of Kindness Day coming up on September 17. Stay tuned for details here. Please get to know this local mom a little better by reading her answers to our questions.
What is your MISSION? What do you want to accomplish?
My mission is to help women to feel more confident through fashion! What drew me to LuLaRoe as a company was that they truly do make fashion forward and super comfy clothing for all women. In all of their advertising they show models of all shapes and sizes, which I think is incredibly important. I love having pop ups and meeting the guest who tells me she knows I have no,thing in her size,only to see her come out glowing and twirling in the mirror in a dress she looks and feels amazing in. Or to meet a new mom who tells me she isn’t there to buy anything, because she stays home and wears yoga pants every day, and watch her come out with a new spark in her eye because she is just as comfy in the fun leggings and top I had her try. I think as women we have all faced times when we needed a confidence boost, and being able to facilitate that in so many, and make people leave feeling a little happier than when they first came in, is why I do what I do!
What inspired/encouraged you to become a LuLaRoe consultant? Is there one specific moment when you knew this was what you wanted to do?
I was inspired to become a LuLaRoe consultant with one dress! My friend came over in a floral print Amelia dress that was super cute, and I asked where she got it, not thinking it would be a conversation that would change my life! After she told me about the company, I did a lot of googling, and that same day contacted a local consultant and set up a time to meet with her the next week! I had been a stay at home mom for the past five years at that point, and while I loved it, I had always dreamed of owning my own small business that I could run primarily from home. I had always had a huge interest in fashion, so when I found out about this opportunity it was everything I had been looking for and I had a strong feeling that this was something I needed to do. Less than two weeks later, I had a makeshift boutique in my dining room, seven boxes of inventory delivered, and was teaching myself how to run my own business! It was terrifying and exhilarating at the same time. It was the best on a whim decision I have ever made!
How did your life before children influence the mom you are today? (Work, experiences) What part do your children play in your current mission?
My entire family plays a big role in my business! We are a blended family with five kids- my husband has three daughters from a previous marriage, I have a son from a previous relationship, and we have a six year old son together, so I went from being a stay at home of 5 to a work at home mom of 5, and it was a big change! I think it is very important to see that a mom can do anything she sets her mind to and still be a great mom-stay at home moms, work at home moms, or moms who go to work every day! They see I am passionate about what I do and I like to think that it makes them feel proud. They have all chipped in and helped in one way or another, from lugging bags of inventory (which I am sure they love, LOL) taking shipments to the post office for me, giving me a hand at pop ups, to welcoming customers into our home to shop-they have been here through it all!
What lessons/values are you learning through this process? What lessons/values do you hope your kids are learning?
I am coming up on my one year anniversary as a consultant at the end of September, and I think I have learned more in this past year and grown more as a person than ever. I have learned not only the importance of instilling confidence in others, but of finding it in myself. I have always struggled with my own self confidence and this experience has taught me that taking a risk and putting yourself out there truly does pay off! It has always been important to me to give to others and to be a part of a company who encourages you to be extremely generous and to be a “daymaker” has allowed me to really see the effect a small act of kindness can have on another person. I have seen first hand what a difference it makes when women support each other. I think the biggest thing I have learned is that there are so many amazing women in our community, all with their own stories to tell. Many I would have never met if I didn’t start this business, but are now good friends and important people in my life! I hope my children will see that this about more than their mom has a business-I hope they see that it’s part of something bigger. We were away overnight this past spring, and I was walking with my 13 year old son. I noticed a woman wearing a super popular pair of leggings and complimented her on them. 15 minutes later, after she told us all about LuLaRoe and how much it has meant to her since she first discovered it, we walked away and I was smiling. My son was shocked I didn’t tell her I was a consultant or try to give her a business card. In that case I was so happy for him to hear from a total stranger how important this company is to so many people, and I know in some way it made him proud to know that his mom is a part of that!
What can we do to support you in the community?
I invite you to join my Facebook group here to stay updated on Fundraisers, pop up boutiques and more!
- HEATHER MONSON is on a mission to make sure children and families are mindful of others and compassionate to one another.
- MICHELLE CREAN is on a mission to empower women to achieve their fitness goals and to live a healthier lifestyle by providing in-home personal training and fitness nutrition guidance.
- SARAH REILLY is on a mission to bring more awareness and acceptance to the local Autism community.
- AMY CUTLER is on a mission to raise awareness of Type 1 diabetes and to raise funds for research so that there may one day be a cure.
- ANA FERRIS is on a mission to help people feel confident and empowered by exercise in order to have a healthy mind and heart.