
Parent with a Purpose: Meet Dan Slattery

By Kelly Pramberger, Publisher Mom, Macaroni Kid Springfield April 18, 2018

One of my favorite things about publishing Macaroni Kid is the chance to connect with other parents in our community. Often times these connections inspire me and remind me of the ability of one person to make a difference. It is with this in mind that Macaroni Kid Springfield launched this series to spotlight these special people. My hope is to introduce you to some amazing parents living right in our communities who not only are doing unique and wonderful things but also deserve to have some attention brought to their mission.

I first connected with Dan Slattery earlier this year when Macaroni Kid Springfield became a sponsor of the Healthy Kids Running Series - Hampden, MA. Through our email exchanges, I quickly learned that Dan was really looking forward to bringing this fitness program to our area. Please get to know this local dad a little better by reading his answers to our questions. 

1. What is your MISSION? What do you want to accomplish?

Part of the Healthy Kids Running series mission is to combat the increasing rates of childhood obesity in America. As the community coordinator in Hampden, I hope to be able to help in this mission. Today, many kids would rather be on an electronic device then to be active outdoors. The slogan of “Get up and Go!” resonates and I hope that the running series will help to encourage our youth to take a break from their screens and have fun outdoors. 

2. What inspired/encouraged you to start? Is there one specific moment when you knew this was what you wanted to do?

My main inspiration to get involved with Healthy Kids comes from my love of running. My wife and I are both runners. We both started running as a way to get in shape for our wedding and it has turned into a life-long passion. A few years ago, my kids started to run with us. I could not believe how much they loved it! Being able to go for a run and participate in races as a family has been a great experience. We have found that training for races is also a fun way to teach the kids about healthy eating habits and about how to work towards a long-term goal. I hope that this running series will encourage more families to run together. 

3. How did your life before children influence the parent you are today? (Work, experiences) What part do your children play in your current mission?

Growing up there was a lot of value  placed on "family time". The best memories I have from my childhood are of playing baseball with my cousins, riding bikes with my brother , and playing board games with my parents.  I hope that my  "presence" will be remembered more than my "presents". Time goes by so fast! I try to live in the moment with my kids as much as I can. My children play a huge part in my current mission. Teaching them to be active at a young age will help them stay healthy throughout their lives.

4. What lessons/values are you learning through this process? What lessons/values do you hope your kids are learning?

Through the running series, I hope that everyone can learn that running is not always about being the fastest and isn’t always about winning the race. Running is about doing YOUR best and getting a little better and a little stronger every time. You are already winning just by being out there.   

5. What do you do to take care of yourself and how do you make time to do it?

Finding time to eat healthy and train for races is not always easy while working a full time job and coaching multiple sports. I have found the best time for me to get a workout in is early in the morning. The 4am wake up is not always easy, but it is worth it when the workout is completed.

6. What can we do to support you in the community?

Volunteer!  Volunteering is a great way to support your community.  There many are opportunities in every community.  Volunteers are what makes a community great!

Get to know our past Parent with a Purpose people:

  • HEATHER MONSON is on a mission to make sure children and families are mindful of others and compassionate to one another.
  • MICHELLE CREAN is on a mission to empower women to achieve their fitness goals and to live a healthier lifestyle by providing in-home personal training and fitness nutrition guidance.
  • SARAH REILLY is on a mission to bring more awareness and acceptance to the local Autism community.
  • AMY CUTLER is on a mission to raise awareness of Type 1 diabetes and to raise funds for research so that there may one day be a cure.
  • ANA FERRIS is on a mission to help people feel confident and empowered by exercise in order to have a healthy mind and heart.
  • NIKKI CACI is on a mission to help women feel more confident through fashion! 
  • SALLY FULLER is on a mission to help all Springfield children learn to read.
  • KATHERINE ZAHIROVIC is on a mission to educate children on the importance of healthy lifestyle skills.
  • JENNIFER POWELL is on a mission to make a difference in the lives of others.
  • ALLISON GAYNOR is on a mission to spend as much of her free time helping people as she can.
  • BECKY QUINN is on a mission to raise money and awareness for March of Dimes. 
  • EMILIE HISGEN is on a mission to get families together for Sandwich Making to benefit Open Pantry.
  • OLIVIA SAKR is on a mission to keep carcinogens and additives out of households via natural hand poured soy candles with no additives or dyes.
  • MARIA MERCED is on a mission to put books into the hands of children.

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